
Oct 24 2024

Our lab had a great time sharing our latest research and meeting old and new friends at the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society in Baltimore, MD. Jeremy presented a poster with his preliminary thesis results on hare molt phenology in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and Alex gave a talk on his BS research on movement ecology of two species of toads in Virginia.

Jul 25 2024

Our paper on behavioral plasticity in mountain hares was just published as an Ignite paper in Oikos. Scottish mountain hares did not adjust their behaviors in response to camouflage mismatch against non-snowy backgrounds. We speculate that this is due to low selection pressure against camouflage mismatch in the Scottish Highlands.

Mar 26 2024

Jen Mallinoff successfully defended her MS thesis titled “Mammals of the Southern Appalachian sky islands: the boreal-deciduous ecotone as a possible climate change refugia”. Congratulations, Jen! She is currently preparing a manuscript based on her work for a submission to a peer-reviewed journal.

Nov 11 2023

Our lab networked with colleagues and shared our latest research at the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society in Louisville, KY. Jen presented a poster with her preliminary thesis results and Market gave a talk during the Conservation and Management of Lagomorphs symposium organized by the NA Lagomorph Working Group.

August 2023

We are excited to have Jeremy Fuller join our lab. His MS thesis will focus on characterizing coat color and camouflage mismatch in snowshoe hares across the East Coast. Welcome, Jeremy!

Jun 28 2023

Our lab is moving to Ohio University, Dept of Biological Sciences in summer 2023. We are so excited to join such a great department! We are recruiting MS and PhD students - if you are interested, please fill out this form by Oct. 9th, 2023 for full consideration for Spring 2024.

May 8 2023

Our work on morphological shifts in birds was published in PNAS. Together with Brian Weeks and Ben Winger at the University of Michigan and others, we showed that smaller birds species from North and South Americas are changing faster as temperatures warm.

Feb 20 2023

Our work was covered by National Geographic again. You can read about Scottish mountain hares and their lack of adaptive responses to camouflage mismatch in the March edition of National Geographic Magazine and here.

Nov 16 2022

Our study on Arctic foxes came out today in Biology Letters and we are thrilled it was selected as the cover article. Using remote camera traps in Sweden, we showed that latitude and weather moderate Arctic fox molt phenology and that white foxes experience relatively low levels of camouflage mismatch.

July 28 2022

Our 21-year snowshoe hare population study led by Alex Kumar was accepted for publication in Global Change Biology. We showed that while mild winters might be beneficial for hares, hot summers and short snow seasons are stronger drivers of hare densities and could drive population declines under climate change.

April 21 2022

Marketa is thrilled to be one of the co-authors on an article that was awarded this year’s Ecological Society of America's George Mercer Award. In this article, lead by Brian Weeks (University of Michigan), we showed that more than 50 species of migratory birds have declined in size due to increasing temperatures over the past 40 years.

April 9 2022

Our work on the effects of climate change on Scottish mountain hares has been featured in a book! The Forget Me Not: Finding the forgotten species of climate-change Britain comes out on June 9 and we are so excited to be a part of it.

March 2 2022

Ecological restorations often fail even if all pieces of the shattered ecosystem are present (Humpty-Dumpty effect). Marketa co-authored a new forum article in the journal Oikos that looks at how ecological and evolutionary changes can hinder successful restoration efforts.