
† denotes equal contribution; * denotes undergraduate student advisee; ‡ denotes graduate student advisee


29. Bergeson S., R. Kays, D. Jachowski, C. Anderson, C. Williamson, A. Burket, J. Butfiloski, A. Cheeseman, S. Cotey, C. Dennison, J. Erb, Z. Farris, M. Fies, M. Joyce, C. Olfenbuttel, D. Sasse, L. Smith, J. Tabora, and M. Zimova. Efficacy of different weasel baits based on a multi-state camera trapping survey. Wildlife Society Bulletin. In Press.

28. Rooney, B. […], M. Zimova, […]. SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: The first five years of data from a coordinated camera trap survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography 34:e13941. pdf.

27. Dias T., N. P. Lemoine, S. W. Yanco, M. Zimova, B. M. Winger, R. A. Bay, and B. C. Weeks. Long-term increases in wing length occur independently of changes in climate and climate-driven shifts in body size. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 292: 20242556. pdf


26. Zimova M., S. Newey, B. Denny, S. Pedersen, and L. S. Mills. 2024. Scottish mountain hares do not respond behaviorally to camouflage mismatch. Oikos e10834. pdf

25. Kays R., […], M. Zimova, […], A. Parsons. 2024. Climate, food, and humans predict mammal communities in the United States. Diversity and Distributions e13900. pdf

24. Shamon H., […], M. Zimova, […], W. J. McShea. 2024. SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A third coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology e4318. pdf

23. Walters, S., M. Zimova, J. Mallinoff, E. Kierepka. 2024. North American phylogeography of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) reveals strong differentiation in the desert Southwest and rapid expansion. ESS Open Archive eprints 953, 95303519. pdf


22. Sirén A., M. Zimova, C. S. Sutherland, J. Kilborn, R. Cliché, L. Prout, L. S. Mills, T. L. Morelli. 2023. A Great Escape: The role of climate, resource availability, and density-dependent dynamics on an iconic herbivore along its trailing edge. Ecography e06633. pdf

21. Zimova M., B. C. Weeks†, D. E. Willard, S. T. Giery, V. Jirinec, R. Burner, B. M. Winger†. 2023. Body size predicts the rate of contemporary morphological change in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120(20), e2206971120. pdf.


20. Weeks, B.C., M. Klemz, H. Wada, R. Darling, T. Dias‡, B.K. O'Brien, M. Zhang, and M. Zimova. 2022. Temperature, size, and developmental plasticity in birds. Biology Letters 18(12), 20220357. pdf.

19. Zimova M.†, D. Moberg†‡, L. S. Mills, A. J. Dietz, and A. Angerbjörn. 2022. Color molt phenology and camouflage mismatch in polymorphic populations of Arctic foxes. Biology Letters 18(11), 20220334. pdf.

18. Kumar, A. V., M. Zimova, T. E. Martin, L. S. Mills. Contrasting seasonal effects of climate change influence density in a cold-adapted species. Global Change Biology 28, 6228– 6238. pdf.

17. Kays R., […], M. Zimova, […], W. J. McShea. 2022. SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ecology 103(10): e3775. pdf

16. Evans, A., M. Zimova, S. T. Giery, H. Golden, A. Pastore*, C. Nadeau, and M. C. Urban. 2022. An eco-evolutionary perspective on the Humpty-Dumpty effect and community restoration. Oikos e08978. pdf.


15. Zimova M., D. E. Willard, B. M. Winger†, and B. C. Weeks†. 2021. Widespread shifts in bird migration phenology are decoupled from parallel shifts in morphology. Journal of Animal Ecology 90, 2348– 2361. pdf.

14. Miranda I., I. Giska, L. Farelo, J. Pimenta, M. Zimova, J. Bryk, L. Dalén, L. S. Mills, K. Zub, J. Melo-Ferreira. 2021. Museomics dissects the genetic basis for adaptive seasonal colouration in the least weasel. Molecular Biology and Evolution msab177. pdf.

13. Cove, M., […], M. Zimova, […], W. J. McShea. 2021. SNAPSHOT USA 2019: the first coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology 102(6), e03353. pdf

12. Giery S. T., M. Zimova, D. Drake, M. Urban. 2021. Balancing selection and drift in a polymorphic salamander metapopulation. Biology Letters 17(4): rsbl.2020.0901. pdf


11. Zimova M., S. T. Giery, S. Newey, J. J. Nowak, M. Spencer, and L. S. Mills. 2020. Lack of phenological shift leads to increased camouflage mismatch in mountain hares. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 287: 20201786. pdf

10. Kumar, A. V., M. Zimova, J. R. Sparks, and L. S. Mills. 2020. Snow-mediated plasticity in phenology does not prevent camouflage mismatch. Oecologia 194, 301–310. pdf

9. Zimova M., L. Barnard*, B. M. Davis, A. V. Kumar, D. J. R. Lafferty, and L. S. Mills. 2020. Using remote cameras to measure seasonal molt phenology. Ecosphere 11(4):e03084. pdf

8. Zimova M., A. P. K. Sirén, J. J. Nowak, A. M. Bryan, J. Ivan, T. L. Morelli, S. L. Suhrer*, J Whittington and L. S. Mills. 2020. Local climate determines camouflage mismatch in snowshoe hares. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(3):503-5015. pdf

7. Weeks B. C, D. E. Willard, M. Zimova, A. A. Ellis, M. L. Witynski, M. Hennen, and B. M. Winger. 2020. Shared morphological consequences of global warming in North American migratory birds. Ecology Letters 23(2): 316-325. pdf


6. Lafferty† D. J. R., M. Zimova†, L. Clontz*, K. Hackländer, and L. S. Mills. 2019. Noninvasive measures of physiological stress are confounded by exposure. Scientific Reports 9:19170. pdf


5. Zimova, M., K. Hackländer, J. M. Good, J. Melo-Ferreira, P. C. Alves and L. S. Mills. 2018. Function and underlying mechanisms of seasonal colour moulting in mammals and birds: What keeps them changing in a warming world? Biological Reviews. doi:10.1111/brv .12405. pdf

4. Mills†, L. S., E. V. Bragina†, A. V. Kumar, M. Zimova, D. J. R. Lafferty, J. Feltner, B. M. Davis§, K. Hackländer, P. C. Alves, J. M. Good, J. Melo-Ferreira, A. Dietz, A. V. Abramov, N. Lopatina, and K. Fay*. 2018. Winter color polymorphisms identify global hot spots for evolutionary rescue from climate change. Science 359:1033–1036. pdf


3. Zimova, M., L. S. Mills, and J. J. Nowak. 2016. High fitness costs of climate change-induced camouflage mismatch. Ecology Letters: 10.1111/ele.12568. pdf


2. Zimova, M., L. S. Mills, P. M. Lukacs, and M. S. Mitchell. 2014. Snowshoe hares display limited phenotypic plasticity to mismatch in seasonal camouflage. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281(1782): 20140029. pdf


1. Mills, L. S., M. Zimova, J. Oyler, S. Running, J. T. Abatzoglou, and P. M. Lukacs. 2013. Camouflage mismatch in seasonal coat color due to decreased snow duration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(18): 7360-7365. pdf

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